About Us

Why nvntr?

We are building a unique global community that brings product inventors and service providers together in a platform to get support and turn inventions and patents into profitable businesses.

nvntr has deep roots that go back to the publication of Invent! Magazine, and now broad expertise that includes intellectual property law, data analysis, research, industrial design, patent drafting, monetization, and patent valuation.

As we launch our services, inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors can feel secure knowing that our members’ ideas and inventions are recorded in the nvntrMARKETPLACE, employing smart contract technology and protection on the blockchain.

Our Mission

To serve as a platform where inventors can get needed support to turn their inventions and patents into profitable enterprises.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to solve the fundamental challenges being faced by inventors throughout their product development process.

Our Community

Our vision is to create a secure community where anyone who has an idea can use our resources, get guidance, and collaborate to successfully bring their products to market.

Have an idea?

Take this important first step today! Use our patent search services to see if your idea is already out there! When you’re ready we can help you prepare to file, analyze your portfolio, watch your back, and provide business intelligence.